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How To Treat Bacterial Vaginosis – Treating Bacterial Vaginosis

SO you are suffering from bacterial vaginosis and now you wonder what will happen after the diagnosis? No need to worry. Help is available, there are several Bacterial Vaginosis Treatment options availabe these days.

Bacterial vaginosis is a form of vaginitis that occurs when the normal bacteria within the vagina is overpowered with negative bacteria. The infection is very often referred to as BV and is most common, but not limited to, sexually active women. It is a rumour that only women who are secually active have an increased risk of bacterial vaginosis. Women who are sexually inactive are also likely to contract bacterial vaginosis. The exact cause of this infection is unknown, but despite the questions surrounding this form of vaginitis, there are several painless options available for treating this infection upon receiving a diagnosis from a gynecologist. In general symptoms of bacterial vaginosis will disappear within one week of treatment.

If you see a doctor the first treatment for bacterial vaginosis will most likely be oral or vaginal antobiotics. The oral antibiotics are pills and are taken by mouth. The most common oral antibiotic is Metronizadole. Clindamycin, Ampicillin, Ceftriaxone, and Tertracycline are less popular options. A vaginal suppository is used to insert vaginal antibiotics directly into the vagina.

The antibiotics are effective in killing the negative bacteria causing the symptoms, but are occasionally ineffective in eliminating the underlying cause of the infection. The infection reappears in about 25% of cases of women being treated with antibiotics because antibiotics kill both the negative and positive bacteria, and the negative bacteria eventually re-grow at a rapid rate.

Treating bacterial vaginosis during pregnancy is imperative, as it can lead to preterm labor if untreated. A woman will be tested and treated with antibiotics if she is pregnant with symptoms, having persistent symptoms, or planning to have a hysterectomy or surgical abortion, as treating bacterial vaginosis prior to these surgeries lowers chances of infection.

Homeopathic treatments for Bacterial Vaginosis have become a popular option for women who often suffer from bacterial vaginosis. There are several natural treatments for bacterial vaginosis. The most common are goldenseal, olive leaf extract, garlic, yogurt, tea tree oil, and Lactobacillus supplements which help to balance the vaginal bacteria levels. Supplements are available for purchase in most drug stores.
Waiting is another treatment option, because it is proven that symptoms dispappear on their own in 1 out of 4 women. The bacterial levels restore to their normal levels in many situations when the infection is minimal. A really sever infection would not be cured with the waiting option.

It is possible to reduce the risk for contracting. An increased risk is involved with women who douche, smoke cigarettes, and have unprotected sex. You can lower the risk of getting bacterial vaginosis by stopping the mentioend activities and practicing safer sex.

The above are only some treatment options for Bacterial Vaginosis. If you want to cure yourself of BV within 3 days PERMANENTLY without the use of harmful antibiotics visit cures for bacterial vaginosis

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