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Archive of posts filed under the Weight Loss category.

Tracking Calorie Intake To Lose Weight

Do you want to lose weight? Of course you do! A recent study reports that over 60% of Americans today are overweight, and 27% of Americans are categorized as “obese”. Scary, isn’t it? Of those 60% of over weight Americans, the majority of them feel exactly like you do right now. They feel frustrated because […]

Weight Reduction Program – Secrets You Can’t Afford To Miss Out If You Would Like It To Work .

I should fess up. One of the hardest things I have ever done in my life is trying to lose weight. Not due to absence of inducement or commitment, no, I had masses of that. The issue for me was deciding on the ‘how’. It seems as if everywhere you look, there is a new […]

What You Need To Recognize Regarding The Dangers Of Morbid Obesity

The explanation of morbid obesity states that an individual’s weight is approximately 50 to 100% extra that of his or her perfect weight. The folks whose weight is 100 pounds in excess of the proper weight are besides called the morbidly obese individuals. Where the BMI value which is more than 30 for an adult […]