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Home Remedies For BV – Get Rid Of Your Vaginal Fish Odor

As a former sufferer of fishy vaginal smell for some years, I can fully understand how distressing this condition can be. Although antibiotics were my first port of call when I first got this condition, I quickly realized that they were not the “cure-all” I imagined. Indeed eventually, it was home remedies for bv which eventually worked for me permanently.

My BV started when I was in my late teens. Nothing in particular happened to bring it on, but I just knew the unpleasant fishy vaginal odors were not “normal”. As well as the home remedies for bacterial vaginosis, the burning feeling was just terrible, and I just felt itchy down below all the time. I must have had 3 courses of antibiotics over a period of about 6 months. I was constantly washing, but he fishy vaginal smell would not go away.

If you are suffering from bacterial vaginosis, you may be pleased to learn that there is an alternative to antibiotics and expensive over the counter treatments. There are a number of simple, yet fast-acting home remedies for bv which will relieve your symptoms within a day and eliminate bacterial vaginosis altogether within three short days.

The following home remedies should help to both provide relief from the symptoms and to eliminate the condition:-

* Do not be tempted to wash more than twice daily, even if you think this will help the bad odor-it will simply make it worse
* Always wash using only unperfumed products as perfumed products can further upset the natural balance of the vagina
* Eat a cup of live, natural yogurt daily as the “good” bacteria can help replenish the body’s own supply
* Avoid douching, as this can strip away the natural lubricants within the vagina
* Use a condom when having intercourse
* Take a bath in warm water, into which a few drops of tea tree oil have been added as the natural antibacterial properties of tea tree oil can help to eliminate the bad bacteria and the fishy vaginal odor

Other home remedies for bv may not directly cure the condition, but can help you deal with the fishy vaginal odor and unpleasant symptoms which are present when you have the condition. You could try using a cold compress on the vaginal area as this can be very soothing. In addition, wear a simple thin panty liner as these are excellent for absorbing some of the fishy vaginal odor and can be changed regularly during the day. Finally, be extra vigilant when you are menstruating as odors can seem worse at that time-simple ensure that you change your towels and tampons regularly and don’t forget to remove the last tampon of your period.

There are a number of treatments to get rid of vaginal fish odor which use different approaches but in essence, all have the same end result. If you would like to see a choice of 3 excellent treatments, all of which are completely guaranteed to work, please visit home remedies for bacterial vaginosis.

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