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Lose Fat Without Diet Or Exercise

It’s not a secret that overweight and obesity have reached epidemic proportions throughout the world and that overweight and obesity are essential contributors to chronic disease and disability globally. So in this article I am going to focus on the concern how to lose weight without diet or exercise – your free weight loss plan. Actually, since you will come across the indications overweight and obesity frequently let me define these terms. So far as is known overweight is defined as a body-mass index of 25 to 29.9 and obesity is a body-mass index greater than 30. As to the body-mass index it is determined by your weight in kilograms divided by the square of your height in Meters.

Let me start with the first method to lose weight that is the use of diet drugs. In fact, there are two types of actions of prescription drugs used for weight loss and obesity. Firstly these are appetite suppressant medications, and medications that reduce nutrient absorption. To the best of our knowledge, appetite suppressants make you feel full and so you eat less. It’s well known that this is achieved by modifying brain chemicals that affect your mood and your appetite. In its turn, the drugs that take off nutrient absorption really does just that; they reduces the body’s ability to absorb nutrients from the food we eat. But still there are side effects of such pills, as there are with all drugs, and for this drug the side effects are increased blood pressure and heart rate and in addition, it may be sleeplessness and nervousness. It will be useful for you to find out that some weight reduction drugs have had to be withdrawn in the US because the side effects were sever to the point of being life threatening, e.g. serious lung and heart disorders. On the other hand, a drug that has been withdrawn in the US may still be in use in other parts of the world.

Please, be aware of that it is extremely important that if you are considering the use of drugs for weight reduction that may require long term use, that you have thorough discussions with your specialist and to consider how the side effects would transform you.

Now we’ll look through the use of herbal weight loss methods. It comes as no surprise that many people are demanding a more natural way to lose weight by using herbs. As a matter of fact, these products are in general much safer than drugs and may be used for longer term without the side effects of drugs. According to some data, some examples of herbs that have been supreme in bringing about significant weight loss include green tea, hawthorn, and supplements containing apple cider vinegar as the main ingredient. On the other hand, the analysis on the effectiveness of herbs is not as intense as in the case of drugs and so you will need investigate each and seek testimonials from others who have used a particular herb.

So to sum up, you may begin your weight loss quest immediately without fear of failure because drugs and herbs are available that will help you to lose weight. What here is important that you must be aware of the possibility of side effects that you may experience while using some drugs and the time duration limitations that are recommended for the secure use of drugs.

More tips about free weight loss plan – find info on the free weight loss plan blog.

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