What you don’t know about eczema diet secrets can hurt you.
Most doctors will tell you that there is no known cure for eczema.
They will tell you that you are genetically predisposed toward it because:
You someone in your family had it and thus you have inherited the genes that can cause eczema.
Or you may have an aversion to certain foods that manifests itself in the form of the skin irritation that is characteristic of an eczema outbreak.
Most dermatologists will take a clinical approach toward eczema. Based on their premise that eczema cannot be cured, they will tell you that, at best, they can work with you to control it.
In other words, what they are telling you is that there is no way to solve it completely, and that all you can do is work every day on managing it, keeping under control, by reducing the symptoms of a flare up, or working on avoiding those situations that can aggravate your condition.
What most specialists will do is prescribe you medicated skin creams, such as topical steroids, which are essentially a heavier and more potent version of the over-the-counter skin creams and lotions that you can buy from the drug store on your own.
However, this does not solve the problem.
You are merely providing temporary relief from the problem.
You are merely concealing the problem.
To solve the problem of eczema permanently, once and for all, you need to attack the problem at the source:
Your diet.
The skin is a living organ, just like any other organ in your body.
It needs to be fed and nurtured with proper vitamins and minerals, from the food that you eat.
If you feed your skin properly, your skin can grow properly and the conditions that produce the symptoms of eczema can be overcome once and for all.
I used to suffer from a bout with eczema for many years, concentrated on my hands.
I tried every lotion and every cream in the book.
I consulted with many medical experts.
But nothing worked, despite having spent thousands of dollars on skin care treatment.
Sure, might skin might appear to clear up for a while, but then it would come right back.
It wasn’t until I learned these eczema diet tips that I was able to finally cure this nuisance of a skin disease once and for all!
For many years I suffered the embarrassment of not being able to shake hands with people, high-five people, wave my hands, or hold hands with anyone, without making other people uncomfortable.
Now that I have discovered these eczema diet secrets, I am finally cured of my eczema once and for all, and forever!
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