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How Can I Change My Diet ?

How Can I Change My Diet

Quote: Gluttony is an emotional escape, a sign something is eating us.
- Peter De Vries

Many people ask the question once they find out that they have been eating the wrong foods of how they can change their diet.

There are so many reasons why they believe it is almost diet impossible to make the change even though they might be fully aware that the excess weight they are carrying is killing them.

I am sure you have some foods that give you so much pleasure that you couldn’t bear the thought of having to go without them for any length of time.

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Did you always like these foods? People drink Whisky straight but can you find any child who can honestly say they like the taste of Whisky? It tastes like poison to a youngster and they have to ‘start slow’ and get accustomed to that vile taste so they can drink it like everyone else.

Just as it has taken time to get to the stage where you now enjoy the taste of certain foods it will also take time to get those tastes out of your system where you no longer crave them and can actually find enjoyment from eating food that is good for you.

If it sounds like something that you are beginning to believe will cause you great hardship, then you need to understand that this isn’t expected to happen overnight.

You can make these changes to your diet on a gradual basis where you slowly start replacing poor food with better foods. These good foods will quickly satisfy your appetite and you will be less hungry more often. You will begin to enjoy the taste of these good foods just as you currently enjoy the taste of foods that are full of sugar and other poisons.

You will also find you have increased energy levels as these good foods are what the body is designed to consume and as digestion requires a considerable amount of energy you will have more energy as the demands on your digestive system will be reduced.

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Twisting Roll-Back
For this stomach exercise, you will need to sit on a flat surface, preferably the floor.

Use a mat or towel for cushioning to ease possible strain on your tail bone. Sit down with your legs bent and heels on the floor. Your toes should be pointing up– do not put your feet flat on the floor.

Loop the band around your feet, put one end in each hand and put your hands together. In a rolling motion, lower your torso toward the floor about forty-five degrees.

As you do this, twist to the right and spread your hands to the sides. Hold for a second, then rotate back to the middle and raise your torso back to start. Your heels should remain on the floor throughout the exercise. Do a full set, then switch to the left side.

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