Modern life can be very stressful . Work, family, and financial problems abound, putting stress nervous tension on both the mind and body. This overwhelming pressure can sometimes bring about anxiety and even panic attacks.
The human heart can only take so much, and can be seriously affected by undue and overwhelming pressure. The resulting anxiety can lead to poor eating habits and high blood pressure. Heart disease can follow, which usually means heart attack. Insomnia is also a symptom of anxiety. Insufficient sleep contributes to major health issues.
anxiety attacks can go together with anxiety. This malady is the paralyzing fear that something awful may occur, and can be felt physically. Sweating, shaking or shivering, nausea, dizziness, and the strong desire to flee are some of the symptoms. This is the “fight-or-flight” response, multiplied, and is usually unfounded.
One very simple exercise you can do when an anxiety or panic attack threatens is to moderate your breathing. It is essential you learn to breathe correctly, as follows:
Begin by slowly breathing in through your nose through the count of 4; hold your breath for a count of 7, now slowly exhale through your mouth for a count of 8. (Some call this 4-7-8 breathing.) When you exhale, try to make a soft “whoosh” sound by holding the tip of your tongue against the roof of your mouth (or lightly clench your teeth) as you exhale slowly. Repeat this process three more times (for a total of four breaths.) Don’t do more than four breaths at first, as you may feel dizzy. With practice, you can work your way up to eight breaths. Try and do this twice each day.
There are exercises you can do to relax at home. Calming music is available in music stores or for download online. It is usually very soft and organic, and sometimes has a person speaking in a gentle and reassuring voice, guiding you through a mental and physical relaxation technique.
Talking to a close, personal friend or family member may also help. If you know that person is there for you, call them or visit. Talking things out with an understanding person can do wonders to relieve nervous tension and anxiety that has built up over time.
breathing exercises is important. Assure yourself on waking that the day ahead will be great, and that you can handle it. Having a good attitude before setting out can be a buffer against whatever the world may throw at you.
Seeking counseling, without medication, is a another way to get relief. There are professionals who provide a variety of services to aid in the management of anxiety and panic disorders. Cognitive-Behavioural therapy has been around for many years and has been successful for millions of people. This treatment helps the sufferer to recognize that their environment and personal behaviours can bring about stress and anxiety. The aim is to help the person feeling anxious manage their lifestyle and behaviour to alleviate pressure as much as possible.
There is no reason to suffer any more. There are techniques and treatments available for the anxiety and panic sufferer, without the use of medications.