Sometimes, Skin laser treatment or treatment of our face is not possible and severe scarring occurs. Doctors have developed a codification method for acne scarring that will assist a patient in treatment and diagnosis. The names used are ice pick, boxcar and rolling acne scars. Boxcar scars resemble classic chickenpox scars and can be superficial […]
Archive of posts tagged Skin Care
Moisturising Is More Important Than You Might Think
Most people have experienced a bout or two of dry skin at sometime or other. Most sensible people will find some moisturiser and treat it, but there are also a lot of people who take no action at all. If you choose not to treat it then there can be a number of knock on […]
Are Natural Skin Care Products The Answer To All Problems?
Are natural skin care products the answer to all problems? All you need to know about natural skin care and natural skin care products is here.